5 Benefits Of Attending A Blog Conference

For the past two years, I’ve attended The Blog Societies Conference, held in Georgia. Each year, I leave the event feeling recharged and reinspired. For anyone that has thought about attending a conference, I’m sharing 5 Benefits of Attending A Blog Conference.

But before we get into the benefits let’s start with this…..

Conferences take a whole lot of work. Planning, creating and executing a conference is no easy fete. There is an incredible amount of time that goes into mapping out all the details. Securing a venue, hire amazing speakers, gaining sponsors and also have brand representation for attendees to be able to speak to brands directly.

And because of all of the above, it often leads to a cost involved in attending a blogger conference.

Ok, so now for the benefits…..

Invest in Yourself

If you are serious about anything in life, it will require time, dedication and resources. Never feel guilty about investing in what it is you are working towards. You will never regret taking the time to learn and educate yourself to be better and to have the information needed to make solid business decisions.

I like to attend at least one conference per year. It’s part of my yearly business education plan/ expenses. I set money aside for it every year to further my knowledge in the industry. It’s a non-negotiable for me. 🙂

Networking Opportunities

Meeting bloggers from all over the country is a great way to network. Building a community of support is important. Collaborating ideas and partnerships is a wonderful way to expand your audience and also have fun working with other bloggers.

Because let’s be honest here, as glamourous as blogging looks, sometimes it can get very lonely and unmotivating to be working from home all the time. Having a support system in place can be very helpful.

I personally have a few text threads of bloggers that I stay in contact with. We bounce ideas, share resources and even share an occasional work funny with one another.


Some of the greatest changes to my business have come from the workshops I have attended and the speakers I have had the chance to listen to. Each helping me in some way make better decisions in how I conduct my business.

Some of the topics are: affiliate marketing, blog monetization, building a brand, pitching to brands, email marketing, photography tips, legal issues with blogging, podcasting, and WordPress technical stuff are all topics that have personally changed how I do things. Blogging really isn’t just about posting a picture, there is so much more that goes into it behind the scenes that the average person isn’t aware of.

Industry Perspective

A conference can really help keep you on top of your game too. Learning more about industry standards and proper protocols and different ways to approach things can be eye-opening and critical in the way you run your business.

Personally, this is one area I feel many people who blog are still not up to date on. Bloggers have been fined for not doing things the right way. That is why it’s super important to know what industry standards are so you can implement it into your everyday work.

Meeting Brands

For many bloggers, this is a great time to meet a brand face to face. This helps to start a relationship with a brand that will oftentimes turn into paid campaigns and long term partnerships.

I met a car representative at my first blogger conference and that relationship helped me understand how car partnerships worked and for my second conference I was able to work with Mazda sharing their signature 6 car with my readers and viewers.

Leaving a blog conference with new skills and new ideas to implement for your blog is a great way to feel re-inspired and to also take your blog to a more professional level.

If you liked this post you may also want to check out my post on essential photography gear for creators HERE.

As always, if you have any questions please comment below and I will answer them as best as I can.

Thank you for stopping by today!

5 benefits to attending a blog conference
5 benefits to attending a blog conference

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